Ethiopian Kercha

Regular price £9.75 Sale

Cup characteristics: Blackcurrant, Cream, Caramel & Papaya

This coffee is produced in the Woreda of Kercha, Guji region on the border of the Dawa River. The Kercha Dry Mill has 150 raised beds and ~ 150 members of staff during the harvest season.

Historically, farmers in this area were debilitated by the lack of access to the market, with the majority of the zone being a full day’s drive from the nearest trading centres. Cherries were often ruined in transit or commodified and blended into lower grades because of the difficult geography. Realising the opportunity to make a positive impact, Israel Degfa established the Kercha processing site in 2016 and has focused on producing high quality coffees from this unique region.

The contributing farmers are all registered and a part of the Kerchanshe support network set up by Israel Degfa. This network helps smallholders and their families with access to healthcare, education and agricultural support.